Radon: highlighting the risk in construction
Radon is a naturally occuring radioactive gas. Despite its short lifetime, some radon gas from natural sources can accumulate to higher than normal concentrations in buildings, especially in low areas such as basements and crawl spaces due to its heavy nature.
Studies have shown a clear link between lung cancer and breathing high concentrations of radon. Radon is therefore considered a significant contaminant that affects indoor air quality worldwide. Radon mostly enters a home from soil via cracks in solid foundations, construction joints, cracks in walls, gaps in suspended floors, gaps around service pipes, cavities inside walls and water supplies.
The greatest risk of radon exposure arises in buildings that are airtight, insufficiently ventilated, and have foundation leaks that allow air from the soil into basements and dwelling rooms.
Discover more information on the detection, treatment and location of radon.