Party Walls

Let us help you with Party Wall issues with unbiased advice. A party wall divides the buildings of two owners. This 'boundary' is usually, but not always, positioned at the centre of the wall.

The RICS Boundaries and Party Walls Working Group produces professional guidance relating to party walls. The latest Party Wall Guidance Note provides advice to surveyors who accept instructions in circumstances where the Party Wall Act may be relevant. The sixth edition takes into account legislation, case law, and current HM Government guides.

For more information you can refer to our Party Walls Consumer Guide or get in touch with any of the listed firms below for a free 30 minute initial consultation. 




RICS Helpline Scheme

Need further advice on Boundary Disputes, Business Rates, Party Walls or Compulsory Purchase matters?

Contact one of our regulated member firms listed under the appropriate helpline scheme for a 30 minute initial consultation.