e.surv Chartered Surveyors
Type of surveyor
- Associate Member
- Chartered Building Surveyor
- Chartered Commercial Property Surveyor
- Chartered Planning and Development Surveyor
- Chartered Project Management Surveyor
- Chartered Surveyor
- Chartered Valuation Surveyor
Works for
- Residential customers
Surveying services
- Residential surveys
- Help to Buy Valuation
- RICS Home Survey – Level 1
- RICS Home Survey – Level 2
- RICS Home Survey – Level 3
Business type
Private Practice
Partners and Directors
- James Ginley
- Stephen Goodall
- Charles Phayer
- Richard Watson
- Timothy Wood
- Trudy Woolf
Registered Valuer
- Adam Byers
- Adam Hunt
- Adam Moyse
- Adam Sheppard
- Adrian Graham
- Adrian Johnson
- Adrian Parkes
- Adrian Weatherly
- Adrian Weatherly
- Adrian Whittaker
- Aidan Gibson
- Aidan Hughes
- Alan Hudson
- Alan McCaig
- Alex Bennett
- Alex Bristow
- Alex Lunt
- Alex Pink
- Alex Rowley
- Alexander Graham
- Alexander Westman
- Alice Barnes
- Alistair Newton
- Allan Richards
- Amanda Butler
- Amanda Clark
- Amelia Hicks
- Andrew Bill
- Andrew Bird
- Andrew Furness
- Andrew Gill
- Andrew Graham
- Andrew Harker
- Andrew Howie
- Andrew Lawson
- Andrew Marshall
- Andrew McIvor
- Andrew McLeod
- Andrew Middleton
- Andrew Roach
- Andrew Roddis
- Andrew Scudder
- Andrew Towler
- Andrew Trinick
- Andrew Watson
- Andrew Watson
- Angela Darke
- Angela Winfield
- Angus Robson
- Ann Jones
- Annabelle Chapman
- Anne Marie Mullin
- Anthony Owen
- Anthony Wickenden
- Anthony Wickenden
- Anton Psaila
- Arthur Jones
- Ashley Black
- Barry Buckley
- Barry McKeown
- Belinda Senior
- Ben Booker
- Ben Colreavy
- Ben Jones
- Ben Rigby
- Ben Sharp
- Ben Triplow
- Ben Whitham
- Benjamin Bradley
- Bernard Moran
- Beverley O'Hearns
- Billy Murgatroyd
- Brendan Williams
- Brian Reid
- Bruce Cunningham
- Bryn Webley
- Calum McQueen
- Calum Ross
- Cameron Locker
- Carla Moorley
- Carla Moorley
- Caroline Astbury
- Caroline Round
- Charalambos Argyrides
- Charles Bishop
- Charles Phayer
- Charles Spence
- Charlie Lester
- Charlie Whiteside
- Charlotte Richardson
- Charlotte Smith
- Cherry Furlong
- Chris Hughes
- Chris McParland
- Chris Stribling
- Chris Weight
- Christian Hood
- Christopher Earl
- Christopher Graham
- Christopher Grove
- Christopher Holdroyd
- Christopher Jones
- Christopher Kenton
- Christopher Laing
- Christopher Marsh
- Christopher Miles
- Christopher Oti
- Christopher Oti
- Christopher Schofield
- Christopher Smalley
- Christopher Tarbet
- Christopher Taylor
- Claire Martin
- Clare Thomas
- Colin Clark
- Connor Stephen
- Conor Sykes
- Corin Ruan
- Craig Hedges
- Craig Hedges
- Craig Smith
- Danica Hole
- Daniel Beckett
- Daniel Bowden
- Daniel Cooper
- Daniel Flynn
- Daniel Foden
- Daniel Lyles
- Daniel Ryan
- Daniel Spencer
- Daniel Wells
- Darien Neavin
- Darren Peace
- David Collins
- David Collins
- David Cooper
- David Gibson
- David Glenister
- David Green
- David Ibbotson
- David Keith Kettles
- David Lawson
- David Lawson
- David Needham
- David Oben
- David Parker
- David Pickup
- David Rayfield
- David Richardson
- David Richardson
- David Smith
- David Wareing
- David Wilson
- David Woodward
- Dawn Stanfield
- Dean Hopkins
- Dean Stewart
- Declan Wyatt
- Deian Williams
- Delicia Hill
- Denise Martin
- Derek Towndrow
- Desmond Hoy
- Donna Atkinson
- Donovan Tingling
- Duncan Saunders
- Dylan Cumiskey
- Eddie Terry
- Edward Hagen
- Edward Jenner-Ludbrook
- Edward Taylor
- Edwin Breakwell
- Edwin Magowan
- Edwin Organ
- Elaenore Fom
- Elaine Crawford
- Elise Davies
- Elizabeth Lees
- Elliot Holden
- Elliston Carter
- Emily Welsh
- Emma Birrell
- Emma Johnson Cox
- Faheem Ismail
- Fay Mehta
- Fiona Kelly
- Fiona Schweppe
- Frankie Pailing
- Gabriela Arnold
- Gagandeep Bansal
- Gareth Evans
- Gareth Tudor-Price
- Gareth Williams
- Garry Marshall
- Gary Fuller
- Gary McCrum
- Gary Thorne
- Gary Wingrove
- Gemma Louise Alderman
- Georgina Brakenbury
- Gerry Lucey
- Giles Harvey
- Gillian Grace
- Glen Ward
- Gordon Robson
- Gordon Robson
- Grace Shyllon
- Gursharn Atwal
- Guy Thomas
- Halim Ouakkouche
- Hannah Godwin
- Hannah Simon
- Hardeep Gandham
- Haris Hussain
- Harish Sharma
- Harry Butler
- Harry Cutforth
- Harry Johnson
- Harvey Marsh
- Helen Dawson
- Helen Hollingsworth
- Helen Jeffs
- Helen Wickham
- Helena Cole
- Hemal Kalyan
- Hilda Dhliwayo
- Hitesh Vyas
- Hitesh Vyas
- Holly Bishton
- Howard Gardner
- Howard Gardner
- Hugh Palmer
- Hugh Palmer
- Hywel John
- Iain Russell
- Ian Bawdon
- Ian Bellamy
- Ian Bradshaw
- Ian Burden
- Ian Burden
- Ian Forbes
- Ian James
- Ian Law
- Ian Miller
- Ian Pattison
- Ian Sibley
- Ian Smith
- Ian Stuart
- Imran Bhatti
- Innes McNaught
- Irfan Arif
- Isobel King
- Jack Kearney
- Jacki Wright
- Jade Ferrari
- Jade Lawton
- James Fullbrook
- James Winton
- James Alton
- James Callaghan
- James Ellis
- James Fawcett
- James Ginley
- James Hawkins
- James Higgins
- James Swindin
- James Thorpe
- Jamie Hiller
- Jamie Howie
- Jamie Ullmer
- Jane Chant
- Jane de Borchgrave d'Altena
- Jarrod Wallace
- Jason Walden
- Jemima Millicent
- Jennie Rees
- Jennifer Garcia de Andoin
- Jennifer Lees
- Jeremy Pix
- Jeremy Ray
- Jessica Griffiths
- Jessica Wareing
- Jessica-Layne Van Rensburg
- Joanna Wood
- Joanne Paul
- Jody Moore
- Joe Kavanagh
- Joel Edgar
- John Blanchett
- John Brian Akers
- John Brown
- John George
- John May
- John Milburn
- John Morse
- John Parbury
- John Reid
- Jon Morris
- Jonathan Brown
- Jonathan Clark
- Jonathan Miller
- Jonathan Thomas
- Joseph Oxland
- Joseph Amos
- Joseph Mennell
- Joseph White
- Josette Knight
- Joshua Clews
- Joshua Foley
- Joshua Goodwin
- Joshua Mathews
- Julia Trigg
- Julia Trigg
- Julie-Anne Pon
- Julien Mghabghab
- Justin Meaden
- Justin Meaden
- Kamal Phull
- Karen Healy
- Karen Kent
- Karey Hooley
- Karl Jones
- Karl Martin
- Karl Perry
- Kathryn Hughes
- Katie Myers
- Keith Rigby
- Keith Simpson
- Kelly Carolan
- Kelly Davies
- Kelly Goff
- Kenneth Newall
- Kenny Reed
- Kevin Cunningham
- Kevin Hill
- Kevin Milward
- Khushboo Rathor
- Kim Rose
- Kirstie Hughes
- Kirsty Thompson
- Kuldip Thandi
- Kwabena Danquah
- Kyeran Hawkins
- Kyle Oxley
- Kyle Oxley
- Laura Cooper
- Laura Heley
- Laura Janes
- Laura Read
- Laurence Peacock
- Laurence Peacock
- Laurine Francis
- Lawrence Sears
- Leanne Hoang
- Lee Durrans
- Lee Trewhella
- Leon Coles
- Liam Shutt
- Linda Lee
- Lionel Smith
- Lisa Clayton
- Lisa Powders
- Lloyd Smerklo
- Louie Webb
- Louis Greener
- Lucy Bourn
- Lucy Bridle
- Luke Ball
- Luke Blue McLelland Bibby
- Luke Hargreaves
- Luke Topping
- Lynn Ray
- Madeleine Carey
- Malachi Heckman
- Malcolm Pedder
- Marc Sansom
- Marcus Dowding
- Mark Anderson
- Mark Anthony West
- Mark Ashton
- Mark Ashton
- Mark Dawson
- Mark Hansford
- Mark McManaman
- Mark Parbury
- Mark Pilling
- Mark Reynolds
- Mark Rowe
- Mark Saunders
- Mark Williams
- Mark Winfield
- Martin Cresswell
- Martin Cresswell
- Martin Doyle
- Martin Fear
- Martin Frost
- Martin Price
- Martin Withers
- Martyn Lawlor
- Mathew Clarke
- Matt Bright
- Matthew Siddons
- Matthew Calnan
- Matthew Cavanagh
- Matthew Hodges
- Matthew Jordan
- Matthew O'Neill
- Matthew Reeve
- Matthew Rowley
- Max Cattle
- Megan Cartwright
- Michael Alderson
- Michael Chichester
- Michael Cornes
- Michael Fidge
- Michael Fleet
- Michael Golding
- Michael Heaton
- Michael Hewitt
- Michael Hole
- Michael Lewis
- Michael Morgan
- Michael O'Kane
- Michael Onyegbule
- Michael Parsons
- Michael Parsons
- Michael Power
- Michael Slaney
- Michael Smith
- Michael Smith
- Michael Stillman
- Michael Summers
- Michael Tomalin
- Michael Tucker
- Michelle Durie
- Mikey Scott
- Minal Patel
- Miron Olah
- Natalia Quacquarelli
- Natalie Ogg
- Natasha Palczuk
- Nathan Palmer
- Neil Daly
- Neil Johnson
- Neil Moir
- Nicholas Hayward
- Nicholas Keenan
- Nicholas London
- Nicholas Marney
- Nicholas McCarey
- Nicholas Osborne
- Nicholas Robbins
- Nicholas White
- Nick Dyke
- Nico Shirreffs
- Nicola Beavis
- Nicola Elizabeth Simmonds
- Nigel Adams
- Nigel Hannam
- Nigel Hurst
- Nigel Hurst
- Nigel Routledge
- Oliver Shaw
- Oliver Vessey
- Olivia Hebden
- Olusegun Ogungbe
- Opeyemi Fawole
- Owen Boyle
- Pamela Cherry
- Pankaj Khanna
- Parisima Sayfimehr
- Parvesh Sharma
- Patrick Lawrence
- Paul Clark
- Paul Clarke
- Paul Clarke
- Paul Dulac
- Paul Glentworth
- Paul Glentworth
- Paul Hartshorne
- Paul Hill
- Paul Hinton
- Paul Johnson
- Paul Middleton
- Paul Toolan
- Paula Lavery
- Perminderpal Virk
- Perry Knight
- Peter Richer
- Peter Richer
- Peter Fisher
- Peter Foster
- Peter Hart
- Peter Hills
- Peter O'Brien
- Petros Nearchou
- Philip Howe
- Philip Jeffery
- Philip Robinson
- Philip Wren
- Philip Wren
- Phillip Collins
- Phillip John Richard Johnson
- Punil Shah
- Punjab Sandhu
- Rakesh Parmar
- Riah Mountain
- Richard Bateman
- Richard Bateman
- Richard Bland
- Richard Cassanell
- Richard Cassanell
- Richard Godwin
- Richard Godwin
- Richard Oades
- Richard Pomroy
- Richard Sanders
- Richard Scott
- Richard Stevens
- Richard Thompson
- Richard Thompson
- Richard Watson
- Richard Watson
- Ricky Archer
- Robert Elliott Glenesk
- Robert Lock
- Robert McAuley
- Robert McCague
- Robert Oliver
- Robert Piechota
- Robert White
- Robin Pickard
- Robin Smith
- Rogan Davis-Williams.
- Roland Martin
- Rory Connolly
- Rory Hawkins
- Rosalind Fairbairn Smith
- Roshan Singh
- Ross Huggins
- Rowan Canton
- Rowan Davis
- Roy Smith
- Rumindeep Dhindsa
- Russell Dunbar
- Russell Frisby
- Ruth Annabel Darbyshire
- Ryan Devoy
- Sadiq Brohi
- Safwaan Salloo
- Saijal Parmar
- Sally Reid
- Sam Sheridan
- Samuel Etherington
- Samuel Kwakye-safo Adu
- Samuel McCready
- Samuel Tremaine
- Samuel Wood
- Sana Akram
- Sara Hawkins
- Sara White
- Sarah Shanks-Pell
- Scott Downing
- Scott Pidgeon
- Sean Eustace
- Sean McCarter
- Sean O'Brien
- Seeta Allen
- Shaun Dixon
- Shaun Geeleher
- Shehzad Hussain
- Shevannah Mulcahy
- Shyam Nandha
- Simon Blacklock
- Simon Ellis
- Simon Feeney
- Simon Fox
- Simon Howard
- Simon Hutton
- Simon Pitt
- Simon Ross
- Simon Stevenson
- Simon Stuttard
- Simon Turner
- Simon Turner
- Simon Vincelli
- Sohail Shafiq
- Stefano Fantauzzo
- Stephen Alger
- Stephen Brown
- Stephen Green
- Stephen Hall
- Stephen Hinds
- Stephen Neilson
- Stephen Pothecary
- Stephen Swainbank
- Steven Dalrymple
- Steven Goodall
- Steven Page
- Stuart Beechey
- Stuart Buchanan
- Stuart Feely
- Sujata Kerai
- Susan Stuart
- Suzie Campbell
- Tariq Tasseen
- Theo Craig
- Thomas Kingsley
- Thomas Chong
- Thomas Coultas-Morton
- Thomas Drummond
- Thomas Hands
- Thomas Kenny
- Thomas Martin
- Thomas Martyn
- Thomas Rowley
- Thomas Rowley
- Thomas White
- Timothy Bishop
- Timothy Matthews
- Timothy Wood
- Timothy Wordsworth
- Tom McAdam
- Tom Siddorn
- Tracey Kissane
- Trevor Bradshaw
- Trevor Ingram
- Trevor Ingram
- Trevor Rutter
- Tristram Jeffery
- Trudy Woolf
- Valerie McWhinnie
- Vinh Ly
- Vinod Jassal
- Warren Mouat
- William Sheldon
- William Templeman
- Yasser Ali
- Zachary Funnell
RICS Regulated Firm
Firms that come under RICS regulation are easy to spot as they use the words 'Regulated by RICS' on their letterhead and other communication materials. Regulated firms must follow the RICS Rules of Conduct for Firms and are held to a higher standard in areas such as staff training, professional indemnity insurance, complaints handling and security of clients' money.
Unit 1, Orion Park, Orion Way, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN15 6PPFirms that are Regulated by RICS commit to the highest professional and ethical standards. In the rare cases where disciplinary action has been taken against a firm, records are published online.
If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact RICS Regulation at regulation@rics.org. Alternatively, if you wish to make a complaint, please contact complaints@rics.org.