Lambert Smith Hampton
Type of surveyor
- Chartered Building Surveyor
- Chartered Commercial Property Surveyor
- Chartered Planning and Development Surveyor
- Chartered Valuation Surveyor
Works for
- Residential customers
Surveying services
- Residential surveys
Business type
Private Practice
Partners and Directors
- Stephen Armitage
- Simon Bachelor
- Sean Brew
- Alex Carr
- Alex Carr
- Ryan Dean
- Mark Few
- David Gilbert
- Jeremy Green
- Alastair Hilton
- Derek Jones
- Anthony Kerr
- Massimo Marcovecchio
- George Mason
- Colin McGarva
- Robin Mitchell
- Ezra Nahome
- Paul Nash
- Richard O'Connell
- Sean Prigmore
- John Reyers
- Jeffry Robinson
Chartered Environmentalist
- Sherriden Rastegar
- Sherriden Rastegar
Fixed Charge Receivership Scheme
- Hugh Dorins
- James Neale
- David Gilbert
Registered Valuer
- Alex Maxwell
- Alexander MacRury
- Alexandra Clark
- Arthur Hartshorne
- Ashley Sorayapour
- Ben Evans
- Benjamin Davies
- Christopher Buller
- Christopher Taylor
- Edward Boulton
- Edward Boulton
- Edward Smith
- Eleanor Payze
- Elliot Nesbitt
- George Mason
- Harry McDermott
- Hugh Dorins
- Jack Glendinning
- James Neale
- Jaspreet Rahi
- Jennifer Cessford
- Jennifer Dunn
- Jeremy Green
- John Barham
- Jonathan Manley
- Jonathan Manley
- Joshua Mynk
- Kathy O'Reilly
- Kenneth Hogg
- Marcus Forgham
- Nyear Yaseen
- Paul Roskilly
- Rachel Leggett
- Robert Minford
- Roger Cutting
- Ross Bailey
- Simon Bachelor
- Susanna Jarman
- Thomas Ellis
- Victoria James
- Will Perkins
- William Knox
RICS Accredited Mediator
- Stephen Armitage
Accredited Facilitative Mediator
- Stephen Armitage
RICS Regulated Firm
Firms that come under RICS regulation are easy to spot as they use the words 'Regulated by RICS' on their letterhead and other communication materials. Regulated firms must follow the RICS Rules of Conduct for Firms and are held to a higher standard in areas such as staff training, professional indemnity insurance, complaints handling and security of clients' money.
55 Wells Street, London, W1T 3PTFirms that are Regulated by RICS commit to the highest professional and ethical standards. In the rare cases where disciplinary action has been taken against a firm, records are published online.
If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact RICS Regulation at Alternatively, if you wish to make a complaint, please contact