Avison Young (UK) Limited
Type of surveyor
- Associate Member
- Chartered Building Surveyor
- Chartered Commercial Property Surveyor
- Chartered Minerals Surveyor
- Chartered Project Management Surveyor
- Chartered Quantity Surveyor
- Chartered Valuation Surveyor
Works for
- Residential customers
Surveying services
- Residential surveys
Business type
Private Practice
Partners and Directors
- Ian Absolon
- Roger Atkinson
- Robert Baldwin
- Steven Barker
- Virginia Blackman
- William Blockley
- Tom Bridgman
- Timothy Brown
- Adam Burchell
- Jonathan Burton
- Hanna Carnegie
- Andy Cherry
- Gareth Condy
- Nicholas Coombs
- Jonathan Critchley
- Christopher Dallison
- Alexander Eason
- Ian Elliott
- Ian Elliott
- Jonathan Essex
- Richard Fox
- Mark Frampton
- Robert Fraser
- Jonathan Gibson
- Michael Gill
- Patrick Good
- Christian Gore
- Kimberley Grieveson
- Penny Hacking
- Nigel Hardy
- Robert Harper
- Philippa Harrison
- Philippa Harrison
- Robert Hearle
- Robert High
- Barnaby Hillsdon
- Colin Hope
- Richard Horner
- Grant Imlah
- David Jones
- Richard Jones
- Alexandra Joseph
- Daniel Kent
- Eleanor Kirkby
- Timothy Land
- Damian Lloyd
- Iain Lock
- Iain Long
- Luke MacKenzie
- Angus Malcolmson
- Miles Marten
- David Martin
- John McElligott
- Thomas Merrifield
- John Mitchell
- Patrick Morrissey
- Andrew Moss
- William Musgrave
- Jamie Nathan
- Howard Neal
- Christopher Norcup
- Nathan Pask
- Martin Patrick
- Mark Phelps
- Peter Phillips
- Simon Pick
- Alexis Politakis
- Carl Potter
- James Potter
- Nicholas Power
- Nicholas Rock
- Jessica Salmon
- Lorne Satchwell
- Anthony Shelley
- Jason Sibthorpe
- Paul Simpson
- Alison Squires
- George Stratton
- Thomas Stratton
- Ian Stringer
- Guy Thompson
- Charles Toogood
- Denise Trollope
- Charles Trustram Eve
- Andrew Venables
- Michael Whear
- Paul Wilkinson
- Kristian Williams
- Matthew Williamson
- David Willmer
- Martin Woods
- Darren Wright
- Barry Young
Chartered Environmentalist
- Jonathan Gibson
Fixed Charge Receivership Scheme
- Alexis Politakis
- Chris Davies
- Mark Ingram
- Nathan Pask
- Robert Baldwin
Rating Diploma Holder
- Denise Trollope
Registered Valuer
- Adam Burchell
- Alexander Ayres
- Alexis Politakis
- Andrew Moss
- Anthony Shelley
- Ashley Sorayapour
- Beckie Hunt
- Charles Luff
- Charles Trustram Eve
- Ching Yi (Edith) Ho
- Chris Davies
- Christian Gore
- Christopher Dallison
- Claire Winsor
- Damian Lloyd
- Daniel O'sullivan
- David Johnson
- Edward Higham
- Eleanor Hough
- Gavin Keats
- George Todrick
- Hayley Taylor
- Henry Sayers
- Henry Streatfeild
- Iain Lock
- Ian Elliott
- Ian Elliott
- James Cartwright
- Jayne Griffin
- John Mitchell
- Jon Ho Lee
- Jonathan Critchley
- Jonathan Deans
- Jonathan Essex
- Julie Taylor
- Juliet Cox
- Kimberley Grieveson
- Kristian Williams
- Laura Gordon
- Lucy Briggs
- Marica Simmons
- Mark Birks
- Mark Frampton
- Mark Ingram
- Martin Patrick
- Matthew Williamson
- Megan Payne
- Michael Whear
- Nathan Pask
- Nicholas Rock
- Peter O'Brien
- Philippa Harrison
- Philippa Harrison
- Richard Horner
- Robert Baldwin
- Robert Hearle
- Sam Gough
- Sarah Redley
- Thomas James
- Thomas Merrifield
- Toby Moran
- Tom Colyer
- Tom Colyer
- Victoria Cuming
- Virginia Blackman
SKA Rating Office
- Alexander Marock
RICS Regulated Firm
Firms that come under RICS regulation are easy to spot as they use the words 'Regulated by RICS' on their letterhead and other communication materials. Regulated firms must follow the RICS Rules of Conduct for Firms and are held to a higher standard in areas such as staff training, professional indemnity insurance, complaints handling and security of clients' money.
3 Brindley place, Birmingham, B1 2JBFirms that are Regulated by RICS commit to the highest professional and ethical standards. In the rare cases where disciplinary action has been taken against a firm, records are published online.
If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact RICS Regulation at regulation@rics.org. Alternatively, if you wish to make a complaint, please contact complaints@rics.org.