Welcome to Ian Morris - Chartered Building Surveyor
Pre-purchase surveys and professional advice on building problems throughout the southern half of France from a Chartered Building Surveyor with over 40 years professional experience. Based in the same town in France for over 20 years. Fee quotations freely given in advance without obligation or commitment either way. We do not operate in the North of France, or Paris.
For the fullest of details, please see our recently-enhanced website: www.french-surveys.com
Ian Morris - Chartered Building Surveyor 18 Avenue De Saint-Pons, Cruzy, 34310
About Us
Ian Morris developed a flair for putting technical jargon into plain English some years ago when writing articles on building topics for consumer magazines such as House Beautiful and French Property News. He gained the title ”Property Doctor" when he appeared in that role in a number of programmes on BBC television and the "Property Doctor Book", which he wrote and illustrated, was published by BBC books in 1989. He has been interviewed about building problems on the news and in a number of consumer programmes on both BBC and independent television.
When you employ Ian Morris you get Ian Morris, not an assistant. Your pre-purchase survey will be carried out by him personally, your survey report will be dictated by him personally, and the report will be checked and signed by him personally. Your property purchase is important and Ian Morris wants you to have the benefit of the survey experience he has accumulated over more than 40 years.
Type of surveyor
Chartered Building Surveyor
Chartered Building Engineer
Expert agréé par la Compagnie Nationale des Experts Immobiliers
Partners and Directors
French Siret No. 539 837 492 00013
Services & Staff
Type of surveyor
- Chartered Building Surveyor
- Defects
- Residential surveys
- RICS Home Survey – Level 3
Business type
- French
Partners and Directors
- Ian Morris
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If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact RICS Regulation at regulation@rics.org. Alternatively, if you wish to make a complaint, please contact complaints@rics.org.