CBRE Limited
Type of surveyor
- Associate Member
- Chartered Building Surveyor
- Chartered Commercial Property Surveyor
- Chartered Planning and Development Surveyor
- Chartered Project Management Surveyor
- Chartered Quantity Surveyor
- Chartered Surveyor
- Chartered Valuation Surveyor
Works for
- Residential customers
Surveying services
- Compulsory purchase
- Residential surveys
Business type
Private Practice
Partners and Directors
- Jonathan Adams
- Keith Adams
- Richard Alsop
- Stephen Armitage
- Michael Armstrong
- Jane Asquith
- Richard Bamford
- Andrew Barber
- John Barber
- Graham Barr
- Mark Bateman
- Andrew Bates
- David Bates
- Adam Baxter
- Justin Berry
- Simon Blake
- Edward Bradley
- Michael Brodtman
- Simon Brown
- Lee Bruce
- Oliver Buckland
- Peter Burns
- Graham Burrell
- Nicholas Butler
- Philip Cann
- Martin Carroll
- Justin Carty
- Kate Casement
- Richard Cass
- Matthew Chicken
- Henry Church
- William Church
- Mark Churchouse
- Anna Clifford
- Richard Close
- Benjamin Coffin
- Mark Collins
- Rob Colville
- Jonathan Compton
- Paul Cook
- Jack Cox
- Adam Cradick
- Sarah Crockford
- Penelope Crompton
- Fiona Cullearn
- Neil Deacon
- Eleanor Deeley
- Mark Dennis
- Anthony Devlin
- Ian Dewhirst
- Mark Disney
- Neil Dooley
- Simon Dunbar
- Nicola Dymock
- Julian Eade
- Michael Edwards
- Edward Ellingham
- Robin Ellis
- Paul Farrow
- Stephen Fox
- Warren Francis
- Chris Gardener
- Sean Gillies
- Andrew Goodwin
- Iain Gray
- David Green
- Ian Griffiths
- Luke Hacking
- Peter Hague
- Fiona Halliwell
- James Hammond
- Adrian Hanley
- Jason Hardman
- Gabriel Harris
- Simon Heeler
- Nicholas Hendy
- Adam Hetherington
- Edward Higgins
- Jonathan Hodgson
- Oliver Holder
- Luke Holland
- Matthew Howard
- Phillip Howells
- Graham Hughes
- Jonathan Hull
- David Ingham
- Charles Ingram Evans
- Andrew Jay
- Iain Jenkinson
- Timothy Johnson
- James Keany
- John Kent
- Alexander Kerr
- Jason Kerr
- Jonathan Kinsey
- John Knight
- Nicholas Knight
- Simon Lewsey
- Iona Lord
- Robert Madden
- David Margolis
- Antonio Marin Bataller
- Stephen Marshall
- John Martin
- William Martin
- Geraldine Mash
- Jasper Masters
- Iain McConnachie
- Matthew McCue
- David McFarland
- Savica Mihajlov
- Peter Mildenhall
- Alex Millward
- Simon Milner
- Andrew Monighan
- Charles Monk
- Thomas Moore
- Tom Morgan
- Nicholas Morris
- Paul Nicholls
- Rory O'Leary
- Katie Oliphant
- Andrew Owen
- Peter Parson
- Christopher Pearson
- Stephen Pearson
- Timothy Perkin
- Alastair Perks
- David Perowne
- Juliet Petty
- Thomas Power
- Charlotte Reaney
- Martin Samworth
- Faye Shorey
- David Shuttleworth
- Torben Simpson
- Marc Sinclair
- Richard Smart
- Colin Smith
- Jonathan Smith
- Liane Smith
- Samantha Smith
- Edward Spooner
- David Squires-Clark
- Steven Stedman
- Peter Stoughton-Harris
- Jonathan Strong
- Mark Tatlow
- Genine Terry
- Niall Thoburn
- Oliver Thomas
- Steven Timbs
- John Tomlin
- Paul Turton
- Ruth Tytherley
- Ben Urquhart
- Heidi Wade
- Stephen Walker
- Joseph Wall
- Paul Watkinson
- Max Welford
- Jeremy White
- Jonathan White
- Alexander Whiting
- Robin Wickham
- Nicholas Wilkinson
- Christopher Williams
- Peter Williams
- John Witherell
- Virginia Woodger
Fixed Charge Receivership Scheme
- James Graham
- John Barber
- Louis Furner
- Paul Joseph
- Timothy Perkin
Registered Valuer
- Adam Burr
- Adrian Adamson
- Aimee Metcalfe
- Aimee Parkinson
- Alexander Cakkos
- Alexander Ray
- Alexandra Speers
- Alice Hague
- Ana Burke
- Andrew Barber
- Andrew Bates
- Andrew Dunlop
- Andrew Lockhart
- Andrew Parling
- Andrew Surgenor
- Angharad Morgan
- Angus Brown
- Ashleigh Bryant
- Ashleigh Bryant
- August Gotink
- Aykun Bulan
- Balbir Singh
- Callum Brown
- Callum Wyatt
- Cameron Barber
- Caroline Smith
- Celene Lim
- Charles Greenland
- Charles Kelly
- Charles Metcalfe
- Charles Metcalfe
- Charles Metcalfe
- Charles Metcalfe
- Charlie Nelmes
- Charlotte Low
- Christopher Ware
- Christopher Williams
- Clare Clarke
- Daniel McCulloch
- David Ingham
- David Methuen
- Domas Verbusaitis
- Domas Verbusaitis
- Dominic Burke
- Eben Graham
- Edward Ellingham
- Edward Green
- Edward Higgins
- Edward Short
- Eilidh MacVicar
- Elizabeth Mitchell
- Elizabeth Vaughan
- Emma Hinks
- Emma Sheldrick
- Francesca Madden
- Gareth Hughes
- Gareth Sandbrook
- Gavin Quigley
- Gemma Watson
- Genine Terry
- George Harber
- George Stilgoe
- Georgie Park
- Gianna Renucci
- Giorgio Teruzzi
- Graham Hughes
- Graham MacMillan
- Gudrun Hamilton
- Guillaume Foliot
- Guy Schiess
- Hamish Brown
- Harriet Costello
- Harry Marsden
- Helen Harris-Wright
- Henry Finnis
- India Yardley
- Inna Lozinska
- James Gladstone
- James Harris
- James Hinde
- James Simmonds
- James Stilwell-Stage
- James Wyldbore-Smith
- Jason Hardman
- Jemima de Bretton-Gordon
- Joanne Winchester
- Joel McGrath
- John Radford
- John Martin
- John Percy
- Jonathan Adams
- Jonathan Crossan
- Jonathan Crossan
- Jonathan Oliver
- Jonathan Smith
- Jonathan White
- Joseph Kershaw
- Julian Eade
- Justin Weiner
- Kai Tai Lo
- Kate Devine
- Kateryna Levytska
- Katie Milburn
- Khalil Ibrahim
- Kristian Engley
- Kwan Johnny Wong
- Kylie Briggs
- Laura Cullum
- Laura Ella
- Lee Bruce
- Liam Kelly
- Liam Kelly
- Liam Kelly
- Liam Kelly
- Liane Smith
- Libby Hamilton
- Lorna Hepworth
- Lorraine Howells
- Loughlin Batch
- Louise Hartgen
- Lucy Costain
- Luke Budden
- Luke Osgathorpe
- Mark Churchouse
- Mark Dennis
- Mark Taylor
- Matthew Cook
- Matthew Davies
- Matthew Hopwood
- Matthew Lodge
- Miles Auger
- Naomi Bather
- Natalie Mallin
- Natasha Lamptey
- Nathaniel Bond
- Neil Adams
- Neil Burch
- Niall Thoburn
- Niamh Potts
- Nicholas Butler
- Nicholas Huddleston
- Nicholas Knight
- Nicholas Wilkinson
- Nick Mann
- Nicola Dymock
- Noel Gilroy
- Oliver Holder
- Oliver Sardelic
- Oliver Todd
- Pascale Faivret-Fasquelle
- Patrick Ditcham
- Patrick Webb
- Paul Joseph
- Paul Staddon
- Paul Watkinson
- Pearl Gillum
- Penelope Davidson
- Peter Beatty
- Peter Parson
- Peter Stoughton-Harris
- Philip Thorn
- Rachel Crawley
- Rachel Nelson
- Rachelanne Kearney
- Rafal Walczak
- Rebecca Gaughan
- Riah Patel
- Richard Spencer
- Rob Colville
- Robert Edward Quaile
- Robert Hutchins
- Robert Quinn
- Rupert Driver
- Ryan Letley
- Samuel Huberman
- Samuel Wright
- Sandeep Bisla
- Sandra Buechel
- Sara Darweish
- Serkan Feimoglu
- Shaun Skidmore
- Simon Hall
- Simon Rada
- Siobhan Fraser
- Stephen Marshall
- Stephen Walker
- Tanveer Mokha
- Thomas Hughes
- Thomas Johnston
- Thomas Power
- Tim Humphrey
- Timothy Cairns
- Timothy Henman
- Timothy Pankhurst
- Timothy Perkin
- Toby Clegg
- Toby Swindells
- Tom Cuffe
- Verity Lowe
- Virginia Woodger
- Vitkaran Shukla
- William Murphy
- Yin Yeung
- Zhana Lennox
- Zhana Lennox
Evaluative Mediator
- John Lozinski
RICS Regulated Firm
Firms that come under RICS regulation are easy to spot as they use the words 'Regulated by RICS' on their letterhead and other communication materials. Regulated firms must follow the RICS Rules of Conduct for Firms and are held to a higher standard in areas such as staff training, professional indemnity insurance, complaints handling and security of clients' money.
Henrietta House, Henrietta Place, London, W1G 0NBFirms that are Regulated by RICS commit to the highest professional and ethical standards. In the rare cases where disciplinary action has been taken against a firm, records are published online.
If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact RICS Regulation at Alternatively, if you wish to make a complaint, please contact