Knight Frank LLP
Type of surveyor
- Chartered Building Surveyor
- Chartered Commercial Property Surveyor
- Chartered Construction Surveyor
- Chartered Land Surveyor
- Chartered Planning and Development Surveyor
- Chartered Project Management Surveyor
- Chartered Quantity Surveyor
- Chartered Surveyor
- Chartered Valuation Surveyor
Works for
- Residential customers
Surveying services
Business type
Private Practice
Partners and Directors
- Roderick Abram
- Stuart Andrews
- Neil Armstrong
- Charles Barke
- Anthony Barnard
- Nicolas Bell
- Jeremy Binks
- Alastair Bird
- Michael Bowden
- Peter Bowden
- Bjorn Bowles
- Nicholas Boyd
- Joshua Braid
- Abigail Brown
- Michael Brownsdon
- Alexander Burgoyne
- Adam Burney
- Karen Callahan
- Martin Camps
- Martin Camps
- Richard Claxton
- Emma Cleugh
- Stephen Clifton
- Nicholas Codling
- Kieren Cole
- Keith Cooney
- Giles Coward
- James Crawford
- Ross Criddle
- Nicholas Cripps
- Michael Crowe
- Jeremy Dharmasena
- Charles Divall
- Ashley Drewett
- Patrick Dring
- Charles Dugdale
- Julian Evans
- Edward Fairweather
- Charles Fletcher
- Emma Fletcher-Brewer
- William Foster
- Craig Frost
- Louise Fuller
- Christopher Galloway
- Daniel Gaunt
- Justin Gaze
- Simon Gillespie
- Benjamin Glickman
- Jonathan Goode
- Emma Goodford
- Andrew Gooding
- Alastair Graham-Campbell
- John Gray
- Vanessa Griffiths
- Richard Griston
- Andrew Groocock
- William Gubb
- James Harland Fairweather
- Augustus Haslam
- Johnny Hawkins
- Abigail Heyworth
- Abigail Heyworth
- Charles Hobart
- Philip Hobley
- Thomas Hughes
- Tim Hyatt
- Charles Ingram Evans
- Ella Jamieson
- Iain Johnston
- Alistair Johnstone
- Sarah Jones
- Patrick Keenan
- Euan Kelly
- Vanda Kelsey
- Robert King
- Richard Laird
- Jonathan Lee
- Jonathan Lee
- David Legat
- Ben Lewis
- Michael Lewis
- Michael Lewis
- Arthur Lintell
- Andrew Low
- Robert Macnab
- Neil Majithia
- James Mannix
- James Maskey
- James Mason
- Ben Massey
- Ian McCarter
- James McCluskey
- Ian McGuinness
- David Miller
- Emily Miller
- David Mills
- Joshua Morris
- Harry Morten
- Iain Moss
- Aimee Nagle
- Marc Nardini
- Neal Newman
- Benjamin Nicholson
- Charles Olver
- Stuart Osborn
- Katie Parsonson
- Rory Penn
- Rory Penn
- Moray Pike
- Nicholas Pleydell-Bouverie
- James Pope
- Shona Price
- Paul Prior
- Simon Rickards
- Rebecca Riley
- Timothy Robinson
- Shaun Roy
- Tom Rundall
- Thomas Scaife
- David Shapland
- Edward Shaw
- James Shepherd
- Andrew Sim
- Thomas Smith
- Timothy Smither
- Gavin Spreyer
- Guy Stebbings
- Robin Stevenson
- Richard Stewart
- Julian Stocks
- Richard Tarver
- Jeremy Tham
- Andrew Thatcher
- Edward Thomas
- Edward Thomas
- Edward Thomas
- James Thompson
- Sam Thornton
- John Tomlin
- Thomas Van Straubenzee
- Thomas Van Straubenzee
- Dominic Walton
- Simon Warren
- Edward Welton
- Simon West
- Fiona Willcocks
- James Williams
- David Willis
- Adrian Wilson
- Thomas Withey
- Andrew Wood
- Julian Woolgar
- James Woolley
- Peter Wyatt
- Henry Wyld
- Peter Youngs
Fixed Charge Receivership Scheme
- Abdullahi Jambo
- Edward Maryon
- Hamish Bowman
- Marc Nardini
- Edward Shaw
- Kieren Cole
Rating Diploma Holder
- Bjorn Bowles
Registered Valuer
- Adrian Wilson
- Agne Berzinskaite
- Alan Child
- Alexander Bradbeer
- Alexander Burgoyne
- Alexander Cormack
- Alice Currell
- Alistair Johnstone
- Alvin Lumu
- Amy Lee Currie
- Andrew Gooding
- Andrew Low
- Andrew Sage
- Angus Roberts
- Anna Emmison
- Bela Chauhan
- Ben Whittington
- Benjamin Nicholson
- Benjamin Woodhams
- Bethan Handley
- Betsy Brady
- Caroline Bathgate
- Catherine Purkiss
- Charles Anslow-Wilson
- Charlotte Toms
- Chi Hing Chan
- Christopher Barnes
- Christopher Galloway
- Chu Wah Chan
- Craig Wallace
- Damian Mroziewicz
- Daniel Ellis
- Danielle O'Connor
- David Harrison
- David Shapland
- Edward Bird
- Edward Pimble
- Eleanor Kilford
- Ella Jamieson
- Ellie Boor
- Emily Clark
- Emily Miller
- Emma Cleugh
- Ewa Scott
- Gavin Spreyer
- George Tsielepis
- Giles Coward
- Graham Webb
- Graham Webb
- Hannah Churchman
- Hannah Williams
- Harriet Brown
- Harry Morten
- Henrietta Manns
- Henry Farrar-Bell
- Henry Stuttaford
- Hin Kiu Wong
- Ho Man Thomas Lam
- Holly Witcomb
- Holly Witcomb
- Hope Mumford
- Iain Johnston
- Iona Stirling
- Jack Copley
- Jade Leyens
- James Dean
- James Mannix
- James McCluskey
- James Price
- James Sandston
- James Thompson
- James Woolley
- Jason Lam
- Jasper Upton
- Jaspreet Gill
- Jeremy Dharmasena
- Jeremy Tham
- Johanna Dobson
- Joseph Hardy
- Joseph Hardy
- Josephine Blanchard
- Joshua Perkins
- Julia Burrow
- Julian Evans
- Justin Partridge
- Ka Ho Lee
- Kai Chung Colin Tang
- Karen Callahan
- Katie Parsonson
- Katie Perks-Beattie
- Kieren Cole
- Kirsty Brannon
- Kitty De Conto
- Kristina Windon
- Kylie Welman
- Laura Murphy
- Laurence Unwin
- Louise Fuller
- Luca Hiscox
- Lucy Kennedy-Cooke
- Lucy Partington
- Luke Addison
- Luke Silva
- Madeleine Chelsom
- Maria Pawolek
- Mark Routledge
- Matthew Dichler
- Matthew Fanning
- Max Field
- Megan Holley
- Megan Thompson
- Michael Crowe
- Molly Homes
- Moray Pike
- Neal Newman
- Neil Armstrong
- Neil Majithia
- Nicholas Boyd
- Oliver French
- Oliver French
- Olivia Colthurst
- Paul Hart
- Peter Youngs
- Pierce Batchelor
- Rachel Wright
- Rebecca Riley
- Richard Spencer
- Richard Tarver
- Robert Sheldon
- Roger Young
- Rosemary Capps
- Rossella Van der Weyden
- Sam Van de Velde
- Sarah Jones
- Serena Mitchell
- Sheel Raithatha
- Simon Gillespie
- Siu Kong Lau
- Sophie Davies
- Stephan Griese
- Thanh Lien Ngo
- Thomas Longley
- Thomas Scaife
- Thomas Withey
- Toby Orrell
- Vanda Kelsey
- Vanessa Griffiths
- Verity Supple
- Victor Adams
- Victoria Murray
- Wai Ming Leung
- William Fielding
- William Garner
- William Lumley
- William McGovern
- Yuk Wai Yeung
- Zahira De Pablos
RICS Regulated Firm
Firms that come under RICS regulation are easy to spot as they use the words 'Regulated by RICS' on their letterhead and other communication materials. Regulated firms must follow the RICS Rules of Conduct for Firms and are held to a higher standard in areas such as staff training, professional indemnity insurance, complaints handling and security of clients' money.
55 Baker Street, London, W1U 8ANFirms that are Regulated by RICS commit to the highest professional and ethical standards. In the rare cases where disciplinary action has been taken against a firm, records are published online.
If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact RICS Regulation at Alternatively, if you wish to make a complaint, please contact