Countrywide Surveyors Limited
Residential valuations and surveys
Type of surveyor
- Associate Member
- Chartered Building Surveyor
- Chartered Commercial Property Surveyor
- Chartered Planning and Development Surveyor
- Chartered Surveyor
- Chartered Valuation Surveyor
Works for
- Residential customers
Surveying services
- Residential surveys
Business type
Private Practice
Partners and Directors
- Rebecca Freeman
- John McCurry
Registered Valuer
- Aaron Scott
- Abi Abrahams
- Adam Atkinson
- Adam Fray
- Adam Henchcliffe
- Adam Parkinson
- Adam Whiting
- Adam Whiting
- Adeniji Aladese
- Adiel Arshad
- Alan Cooper
- Alan Ramsay
- Alastair Gates
- Alex Hodgekins
- Alex Rowley
- Alex Williams
- Alexia Christodoulou
- Alice Canham
- Alison Weeks
- Amanda Elliott
- Amy Allen
- Andrea Amasanti
- Andrew Bell
- Andrew Benson
- Andrew Burkey
- Andrew Dalton
- Andrew Davies
- Andrew Ford
- Andrew Fox
- Andrew Hayes
- Andrew Hine
- Andrew Kilmister
- Andrew Leslie
- Andrew Leyland
- Andrew Merrett
- Andrew Peters
- Andrew Pettinger
- Andrew Scrimgeour
- Andrew Turner
- Andrew Worthington
- Anne Dixon
- Antonia Knights
- Antony Fry
- Ashlee Harris
- Azhar Rashid
- Balraj Bansal
- Ben Hollis
- Ben Murphy
- Ben Murphy
- Brendan Doherty
- Callum Lyman
- Carl Falberg
- Carl Mantle
- Catherine Ashdown
- Catherine Stephens
- Charles Adams
- Charles Norris
- Chelsea Bonham
- Chris Whiggam
- Christian Melling
- Christopher Collison
- Christopher Horswood
- Christopher Keeton
- Christopher Norman
- Christopher Randall
- Christopher Whittaker
- Ciaran McClean
- Claire Schindelka
- Costin Sava
- Craig Randles
- Dalbir Basi
- Dan Cotterill
- Dana Cameron
- Daniel Bulmer
- Daniel Foden
- Daniel Mackenzie-Nunn
- Daniel Walker
- Darren Nouillan
- David Bluck
- David Burns
- David Coley
- David Coley
- David Daniels
- David Frampton
- David Green
- David Harting
- David Harting
- David Holt
- David Murphy
- David Smith
- David Springle
- Debbie Jacka
- Douglas Mowat
- Dudley Armstrong
- Duncan Somerville
- Edward Villard
- Edward Witting
- Elizabeth Cooke
- Elizabeth King
- Elliot Anderson-Evans
- Emma Faux
- eric cheung
- Fayaaz Ismail
- Faye Gunner
- Gabriella Charalambous
- Gareth Woods
- Gary Marcuccilli
- Gary O'Hara
- Gary Simpson
- Gary Smith
- Garyth Cooper
- Gavin Childs
- Gavin Collier
- Gemma Foster
- Gemma Truscott
- Graeme Budge
- Graeme Cowan
- Graeme Millar
- Graeme Wratten
- Greg Scrimgeour
- Gurpal Singh Grewal
- Hamish Hill
- Hannah Gee
- Hannah Staveley
- Hardeep Gandham
- Hardeep Gandham
- Harry Hitch
- Hugh Thompson
- Ian Adams
- Ian Parison
- Ian Pendred
- Imran Iqbal
- Jack Newell
- Jade Turnham
- James Allsebrook
- James Allsebrook
- James Birch
- James Firth
- James Griffiths
- James Moore
- James Sanders
- Jamie Barnes
- Jamie Biggar
- Jamie Biggar
- Jamie Doyle
- Jamie Mant
- Jana Nortrop
- Jana Nortrop
- Jenna Mullan
- Jenny Voce
- Jeremy Heron
- Jeremy March
- Jessica Smith
- Joanne Beckwith-kidd
- John Perrins
- John Freeman
- John Lewis
- John Maguire
- John McCarron
- John McCurry
- Jonathan Aspinall
- Jonathan Shaw
- Jonathan Stoll
- Jordan Dean
- Jordan Stefanuti
- Joseph Cliffe
- Joseph Dowie
- Joshua Ambursley
- Julie Hancox
- Julie-Anne Sharpe
- Kathryn Connor
- Kathryn Marlow
- Katie Haworth
- Kehinde Godsman
- Keir Walls
- Keith Woodbine
- Kelly Graham
- Kelly Scraggs
- Kyle Fisher
- Kyle Mutch
- Lee Whitehead
- Leon Spicer
- Lesley Hewett
- Lisa Annable
- Lisa Dutton
- Louisa Hunt
- Louise Plows
- Lucy Chard
- Lucy Jane Paget
- Luke Butler
- Luke Lawrence
- Madeline Tucker
- Majid Ansari
- Malcolm Rand
- Margaret Tierney
- Mark Bennett
- Mark Checkley
- Mark Smith
- Martin Davies
- Martin Phillips
- Matthew Bridges
- Matthew Carter
- Matthew Garner
- Matthew Ison
- Matthew Potts
- Max Girdler
- Max Ransley
- Mel Cunningham
- Michael Cahill
- Michael Clayton
- Michael Holton
- Michael Sims
- Milo Durnford
- Mohammed Kasam Abbas Ahmed
- Mohammed Parvez Iqbal
- Mudassar Gill
- Muneer Arifeen
- Murray Cheshire
- Naida Kousar
- Neil Swaffield
- Nicholas Bonnar
- Nicholas Hinchcliffe
- Nicholas Osborne
- Nicholas Powlesland
- Nicola Bates
- Nigel Christopher
- Nigel Dodd
- Nigel Helm-Nurney
- Paul Arnell
- Paul Delaney
- Paul Jones
- Paul O'Neil
- Paul Parkinson
- Paul Parkinson
- Paul Savage
- Paul Scott
- Paul Shawcross
- Paul Swarbrick
- Paul Williams
- Peter Chesshire
- Peter Dye
- Peter Hemsley
- Peter James
- Peter Morris
- Petra Habbijam
- Philip Benton
- Philip Sellors
- Philip Walker
- Rebecca Freeman
- Richard Bennett
- Richard Briggs
- Richard Davies
- Richard Lewis
- Richard Mawby
- Richard Monk
- Richard Stevenson
- Ritesh Patel
- Robert Clelland
- Robert Picken
- Robin Handley
- Roger Bellamy
- Roger Greenwood
- Rosemary Worthington
- Ross Macaulay
- Rupert Marsh
- Rupinder Walia
- Russell Jardine
- Russell Jardine
- Samuel Lewis Everett
- Sarah Chalmers-Stevens
- Sat Sanghera
- Saufia Siddiq
- SHAUN Guttridge
- Simon Allen
- Simon Hands
- Simon Holloway
- Simon Hutton
- Stanley Fenton
- Stanley Robinson
- Stephanie Jarvis
- Stephanie Starbuck
- Stephen Barnes
- Stephen Byford
- Stephen Fisher
- Stephen Fulford
- Stephen Hibbitt
- Stephen Pattison
- Stephen Pratt
- Stephen Waller
- Steven Rayers
- Steven Rayers
- Steven Smart
- Steven Wright
- Stewart Highnam
- Stuart MacGregor
- Stuart Sykes
- Susannah Gregory
- Thomas Eagling
- Thomas Frith
- Thomas Smith
- Thomas Venus
- Thomas Wooles
- Tim Hudson
- Timothy Hancock
- Timothy Jarrett
- Timothy Krolak
- Toby Perry
- Troy Staple
- Vickinder Bhandal
- Victoria Wheeler
- Vincent Oliver
- William Cummings
- William Marshall
RICS Regulated Firm
Firms that come under RICS regulation are easy to spot as they use the words 'Regulated by RICS' on their letterhead and other communication materials. Regulated firms must follow the RICS Rules of Conduct for Firms and are held to a higher standard in areas such as staff training, professional indemnity insurance, complaints handling and security of clients' money.
2 Boundary Court, Warke Flatt, Willow Farm Business Park Castle Donington, Derby, Derbyshire, DE74 2UDFirms that are Regulated by RICS commit to the highest professional and ethical standards. In the rare cases where disciplinary action has been taken against a firm, records are published online.
If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact RICS Regulation at Alternatively, if you wish to make a complaint, please contact