Welcome to JMA Chartered Surveyors
Since 1991 JMA has specialised in providing professional advice on commercial property issues to businesses large and small across London and the South-East. We use a combination of proprietary data techniques and decades of experience, coupled with a personal and bespoke approach to ensure our clients receive the best advice. The services we offer to clients includes business rates advice, lease advisory, property finding and commercial property valuations.
JMA Chartered Surveyors 4th Floor, 160 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2DQ
About Us
Services & Staff
Type of surveyor
- Chartered Valuation Surveyor
- Commercial property
- Expert witness (Commercial property)
- Lease renewal
- Rating advice
- Rent review
- Schools & educational premises
Business type
Partners and Directors
- Andrew Bacon
Registered Valuer
- Andrew Bacon
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If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact RICS Regulation at regulation@rics.org. Alternatively, if you wish to make a complaint, please contact complaints@rics.org.