Permitted development in the UK

Permitted development rights allow owners of a building to make certain building changes and changes of use without having to make a planning application.

These rights are set out in The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995.

This has been amended many times. For up to date information please consult the Planning Portal website

New permitted developments rules are now in force. These rules allow larger extensions to homes, offices and shops to be made without submitting a planning application. Instead, these extensions will be subject to a 'light touch' neighbours' consultation scheme.

The 2013 rules will also allow the change of use of buildings from B1 offices to C3 homes in order to provide new homes in existing buildings. Read the Law Society's gazette. There are some exemptions to this change from office to residential use. The government has published maps of the exempt areas.

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own version of permitted development rules. More information about this in the additional links below.

In England there are a range of exclusions that apply to permitted development rights. These apply to conservation areas, areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, National Parks, the Broads and World Heritage Sites. If in any doubt consult your local planning authority about this.

Further Information